厦门夜网,厦门拿网,厦门品茶,厦门夜生活论坛 品茶网 "Don’t worry about this matter, you can always study it," Longye promised.

"Don’t worry about this matter, you can always study it," Longye promised.

When Longye and Nazi stayed at the headquarters of the source manufacturing company, Xiao Zhi and his party had arrived at the location of the whirlpool islands.
Both Xiao Zhi and Xiao Xia are going to take part in the Vortex Islands Competition, and they will stay here for a while.
After learning about the location of Xiao Zhi and his party, Ryuno temporarily stopped the lian training program for elves. He knew that the plot of "Patriarch of Water Capital" was coming soon.
This time, Longye’s city stayed for so long, which is the story of changing bian.
Odomare, known as the water capital city, is located on an island on the southwest coast of the city capital area. this beautiful city Longye, Nazi and Miaomiao, the most famous in the world, came here by Super Arrow Turtle No.2.
As soon as she entered Odomare, Nazi was attracted by the environment here. Other coastal cities have beautiful beaches and a glimpse of the sea, while Odomare has a more special place.
Most of the traffic in the whole city depends on the crisscross of small canals and several large and small rivers, which divide the whole city into fragments. If you want to reach the city, you can reach it by boat
Odomare is very much like the water city of the earth. As soon as Nazi came to this place, she cried out to experience Odomare’s special guest named gondola boat.
The boatman Rossi skillfully shook the paddle and the gondola boat slowly passed through the city.
"Is that stone pillar statue of Mr. Rossi Latios or Laetius?" Nazi asked, pointing to two huge stone pillars in the distance
"Ah, those two stone pillars have Laetius on the left and Latios on the right. They said they saved the city from the disaster," Rossi said while paddling.
"Saved the city?" Nazi is a little curious, but she has seen Dakedo Latios and feels that this elf doesn’t seem to be very strong.
Explain to the boat guests that Odomare said it was Rossi’s favorite thing to do. "A long time ago, Odomare was a barren island where an old man and an old woman lived. One day, they found a little brother and sister injured at the seaside and took them home to take care of them. After the two old people took good care of them, jian gradually recovered.
But suddenly one day, the evil monster attacked the island, and the island was swallowed up by the monster in a blink of an eye. However, at that time, the brother and sister changed their bian in front of the old man. It turned out that they were Latios, an ian elf, and Laetius.
They found their companions, Latios and Laetius, and brought a force that could drive away evil. This force is a gem called Heart Drops.
Since then, peace has been restored to the island, and Latios and Laetius often hang will come to the island to stay for a while. Since then, Odomare has never received an attack from that evil monster. "
"So there are many elves like Latios and Laetius?" Nazi notes yi to a description in the myth.
"There should be a lot," Rossi guessed.
"Do you come to Odomare at this time to watch the Elf Water Race here in a week?" Rosie talked about another topic.
"I know this competition," meow meow said. "Will there be a water race here? I’m looking forward to meow."
"Anyway, we will stay here for a while and then we can go to the game together." Longye decided directly.
After a while, Longye and the three of them would visit some places in Odomare every day, but Longye had been looking for something during the visit.
Two days later, Longye finally found the girl with red hair and green clothes in the crowd.
"Is this girl Canon or Laetius?"
Latios and Laetius are changeable human-like theaters, and Laetius just changed into a canon and wandered around Odomare, but after changing into a human, they couldn’t speak.
The original Ryuno wants Meow to test it out, but if it’s La Dias, it’s likely to scare the other side.
"By the way, although Laetias can be changed into human samples, their body temperature is different from that of human beings. Laetias’ body temperature is lower than that of human beings." Longye immediately exchanged an infrared thermometer from the mall.
"There are 3 degrees Celsius, so it was La Dias change." Longye clearly put away the thermometer.
"Latios and Laetius really appeared in Odomare’s theater. It is estimated that the two female thieves will appear soon." Longye secretly thought, "I don’t want Latios to die because of their stupid behavior."
Yes, Longye came to Odomare this time mainly to save the scene of Latios sacrificing himself in Latios Theater, but it broke Longye’s heart. He didn’t want this tragedy to happen again.
"Although La Diyashi hasn’t finished yet, let’s forget it this time," Longye said to himself. It’s really unbearable to think that La Diyashi has become a cute Kanon.
"I remember that the prosecutor in Golden City, Joey, also has a Laetius organic hui, and maybe she can finish it."
Although it is a bit unreliable to do so, Longye is really reluctant to part with such a strange thing. You should know that Laetius is also a super power+dragon attribute. If you want to complete this Longye, you will have to roar then.
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Chapter 396 Water is brother and sister
Ps is updated today, and by the way, give a vote to the "515" fan festival. Everyone has a ticket to vote and send money to kneel for your support and appreciation!
Just the day before the elf water race, Xiao Zhi and his party arrived in Odomare, a city where they met Longye in Xiao Zhi, the local elf center.
"Brother Longye, are you also here to participate in the Elf Water Race?" Xiao Zhi immediately greeted him.
"We’re just visiting and watching the game," Longye said with a smile.
Everyone is familiar with friends, and the atmosphere is lively without a few commonplaces. Xiao Zhi has now won five badges. After seeing Longye, he immediately made an elf battle request.
Seeing that Xiao Zhi was eager to try, Longye agreed to his request, "What elf do you want to play?"
"This is it. Come out, Totodile."
Totodile, alive and kicking, appeared in front of Longye. As soon as Totodile saw the stranger, he immediately showed off and danced. The lively appearance was really pleasing.
"Then I’ll send Gabite." Longye chose a more suitable opponent.
In the battle, Totodile fired a water gun and hit Gabite Gabite, skillfully making the dragon angry to fight back. The attack effect of the water gun was that Totodile directly used the iron fist to hit Gabite, Gabite, and took Totodile to the ground with a dragon claw.
However, after receiving the attack, Totodile did not take it seriously. Instead, he used his bite trick to bite Gabite in the leg

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