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Hold her gently and kiss her forehead. Good night.

"hmm!" Gentle and vague, then raise my hand and hold him.
The two people just hugged each other, and no one spoke quietly and fell asleep quickly.
This is a good sleep.
When Gentle woke up the next day, Teng Yun had ordered the housekeeper to find someone to install the monitoring. As soon as Gentle went out, he saw some strangers at home and asked a housekeeper curiously what was going on.
"The president of the wealthy family told me that all the places in the house where monitoring is not installed have been installed, and they have also been installed in your master bedroom."
"Our bedroom?"
With a gentle frown, she turned to go back and call him, but after thinking about it, she turned around again.
Looking nervous on the steps, the housekeeper couldn’t help raising her hand, shrugging and smiling. He did the right thing.
The housekeeper was startled by tenderness. Hearing this, the housekeeper nodded with a smile.
She soon understood why he would do that. After a casual look, she knew that he had gone to work.
I can’t help but feel a little sad when I think of Wen last night. She didn’t give up so quickly.
Section 35
After breakfast, the driver took her to school with three little guys. At noon, she ate out with chenchen and Yun Xiang.
Would it be a little exaggerated to allow Xiang and chenchen to watch the bodyguards behind them twist their eyebrows?
"Just get used to it" said with a gentle smile.
Life is the most important thing now, and those bodyguards are used to it.
"Ha, it’s good to get used to it. That’s easy for you to say."
Chen Chenxiao said
Yun Xiang looked at the tender belly and raised his hand and touched it. It seems that your father is better than your mommy recently. Feed your mommy so meekly.
Gentle …
Chen Chengang took a bite of corn kernels and almost spit them out.
"Miss Yun, I ask you not to be so straightforward, okay?"
"Where am I straightforward? Is your own impure thoughts being taught by your prude husband? " Yun Xiang jokes
"Hey you two don’t be so serious in front of me, ok? Be careful to teach my son. "
Gentleness is rare. It’s so funny. Touch your belly and stare at two women.
Suddenly two women changed their faces. It turns out that you are the most prude among us.
Think softly and laugh hard, but I can’t help it.
"I really didn’t expect you to make up with Tathagata so soon, and it’s even more inseparable than before." chenchen said the truth
"Even my brother said there was no reason not to let you talk to the Tathagata. I don’t know how to comfort him," said Yun Xiang.
"Your brother has long been gentle, but his heart will heal automatically if you don’t comfort him."
Listen gently, chenchen told Yun Xiang that I don’t know what it suddenly occurred to me that last night, how did that guy suddenly say that kind of thing last night?
She’s really used to his immorality. When he gets serious, she gets a little nervous.
"Hey, look who that is?" Chenchen suddenly looked at the stairs and woke up.
Two women who were eating were curious and turned around to see Anli holding a boy’s hand together.
Anli turned to see tenderness and immediately smiled and nodded to the boy and said, I’ll say hello in the past.

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气血双补丸,顾名思义,是一种具有补气养血功效的中成药。它的主要成分包括黄芪、何首乌、白芍、白术、当归、党参、川芎、甘草、熟地黄、女贞子、丹参等。这些药材在中医理论中都有各自独特的疗效,共同作用,使得气血双补丸具有了显著的补气养血效果。 首先,黄芪具有补气固表、托毒生肌的功效,是补气药中的佼佼者。何首乌则能滋补肝肾、益精血、乌须发,对于血虚引起的头发稀疏、白发等问题有很好的改善作用。白芍、白术、当归等药材则能养血调经、活血化瘀,对于女性月经不调、痛经等症状有显著疗效。 在实际应用中,气血双补丸对于气虚血亏引起的形体消瘦、面色苍白、精神不振、头晕目眩、心慌、四肢倦怠等症状均有良好的改善作用。许多患者在服用气血双补丸后,都能明显感受到身体状态的改善,精神焕发,面色红润。 值得注意的是,气血双补丸在应用期间,患者应保持清淡饮食,避免食用辛辣、油腻等刺激性食物。同时,若患者正在服用其他药品,应在应用气血双补丸前咨询当地的医师或药师,以防药物相互作用,产生不良反应。 与市面上其他补血药品相比,气血双补丸具有以下优势: 1. 纯中药制剂,无副作用,安全性高; 2. 补气养血双管齐下,疗效显著; 3. 服用方便,易于吸收。 总之,气血双补丸是一款具有神奇疗效的中成药。它不仅能够改善气虚血亏引起的各种症状,还能调节人体气血,增强体质。在日常生活中,若您出现气虚血亏的症状,不妨试试气血双补丸,相信它会给您带来意想不到的惊喜。