厦门夜网,厦门拿网,厦门品茶,厦门夜生活论坛 kb会所 After treatment, Rafinha has returned to the stadium, but he still feels uncomfortable with a tampon in his nose.

After treatment, Rafinha has returned to the stadium, but he still feels uncomfortable with a tampon in his nose.

When modric got the football at the front of the penalty area, he swung his foot again and made a long-range shot.
Altintop didn’t come forward this time. He learned his lesson. He jumped up and turned his back to block the ball.
This is a very clever practice, and it’s not that bad to hit with muscle support behind.
But there is also a weakness in doing so, that is, you can’t see where the football is and what the situation is.
In the football match, both the goalkeeper and the players in other positions should make sure that they can always see the football, otherwise it will be very dangerous if the football is out of their sight.
See Altintop jumped up and turned to block his long shot.
Modric suddenly changed his mind. He dropped his right foot and slapped the football!
Then he wiped away from Altintop.
After passing Altintop, modric finally didn’t interfere with the shooting. When he looked up, he saw the goal himself and no player in the goal!
For modric, who has a strong understanding of tactics, he knows very well why the boss wants them to keep shooting people. This is not because the boss likes violence, nor because the boss wants to let four players of the other team leave because of injuries, so that Lazio can win without fighting.
But because this is to make Schalke 4 players consciously blink when facing Lazio, so there will be opportunities to face the goal directly.
Just like this time!
Modric knew what to do. He didn’t look for anything around him. The Schalke 4 player could shoot a kick and the football flew towards the goal!
"luka modric shoots …" The commentator didn’t take it seriously. They all ended up "shooting" in the body of Schalke 4 players again, but soon they found that the situation was wrong!
So they all followed up.
"Shoot! ! !”
It was a real shot this time!
The football went straight to the goal guarded by Schalke 4 captain Roster!
In the previous game, Roster took Lazio’s long-range shots very seriously. Every time Lazio’s long-range shots, he lowered his center of gravity and stared at the football and made a move to save the ball at any time.
But then when he found that Lazio’s long-range shots were aimed at his teammates, his guard dropped.
It’s not about shooting at yourself …
His teammates helped him keep the football out again and again, which made him a goalkeeper do something.
This time when modric shot, he was in the same state.
Even though modric first pretended to shoot and deducted Altintop, he didn’t change his mind
It was too late when he found that football was really coming for his own goal!
He hurriedly kicked the ball to the ground.
Because of the hasty movement, the pedal didn’t really exert force to make him soar, even if he struggled to stretch his arm among you, it wouldn’t help.
The football flew into the goal from his arm!
In rost a face can’t believe it.
He couldn’t believe that his goal was broken so easily!
Even more unbelievable than him is Schalke 4 players, fans and coaches.
Modric, no one took the ball to heart before shooting.
But in less than a second, the football plunged into the net so that those people didn’t even regret it.
Slomka, head coach of Schalke 4, stared at what was happening in the stadium.
Schalke 4 All the players turned to look at the football in the goal.

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