厦门夜网,厦门拿网,厦门品茶,厦门夜生活论坛 桑拿网 Hector a confused look at Qin Chu "Qin Chu eldest brother actually know him? Brother Qin Chu knows him? " Qin Chu, however, has never been to the divine world. How can he know Master Harley?

Hector a confused look at Qin Chu "Qin Chu eldest brother actually know him? Brother Qin Chu knows him? " Qin Chu, however, has never been to the divine world. How can he know Master Harley?

"Ha ha heard of his name, etc. I will meet him when I enter the celestial world in the future." Qin Chu ha ha smiled. "Recently, I just realized a new refining method, which can just refine an artifact for brother Mu Ling."
"I’m much relieved with this sentence, bro, but you must come to me when the time comes." Wood spirit burst out laughing, but to be honest, Qin Chu said that the 99% probability was that he didn’t believe in the 99% success probability at all. How is it possible?
Hearing that Qin Chu will enter the celestial world, Hector’s eyes also lit up and flashed with hope.
"It seems that when you are in a hurry, we won’t wait for brother Mu Ling. Are your materials ready? I can directly refine it for you today. "Qin Chu is confident in Mu Lingdao’s words.
Before refining Lingbao, Qin Chu had to make great efforts to decorate all kinds of laws to defend against thunder and robbery, but now he has mastered the order. Those days of thunder are just for Qin Chu’s tempering. Qin Chu can’t wait for more days of thunder.
"Now? Can it be? " Wood spirit is hard to believe. How to forge artifacts should also be a big event. How do you say it? Isn’t this a little hasty?
"Ha ha, we don’t need to do so much preparation. We can directly rest assured that Mu Ling’s brother, I can definitely refine an artifact for you today." Qin Chu was confident that his powerful ability of order can change everything can definitely refine a powerful artifact for Mu Ling.
"That … well," Mu Ling nodded. "Where to refine?"
"It’s inconvenient to walk because there are too many people here. Let’s go to the North Canyon, where no one is quiet and undisturbed. It’s just a good place."
"Well," Wood spirit nodded yes.
"Brother Mu Ling can go with me. Hemei can wait here for a moment now." Qin Chu laughed.
Wood spirit and Hector have incredible eyes. What do you mean, just wait a moment? Since when is refining artifacts as simple as drinking water and eating? Actually need to wait a moment to refine? Wood spirit feel words didn’t say Qin Chu misunderstood by Qin Chu into other meaning.
But Qin Chu has turned to walk away, and Mu Ling smiled bitterly and followed quickly.
? ? ? ? ? ?
It’s very quiet here near the north canyon.
Not far away is the trace of destruction left by Qin Chu when he refined the Kowloon Life and Death Mirror. The canyon is no longer dry, and there is an extra river at the bottom of the canyon.
"Brother Mu Ling is here." Qin Chu smiled. "Give me your materials and tell me what kind of artifact you want to forge."
Wood spirit has no bottom spirit in his heart. He feels that Qin Chu is really irresponsible in doing so, but it’s hard to say what wood spirit has to take out his block trunk. Suddenly, the trunk is full of wood power, and some wasteland with few plants grows quickly, and a large number of lush plants come out, and this trend is rapidly spreading around.
"Good material." Qin Chu still couldn’t help but sigh that he was really greedy for this material.
"I still have some here for bro." Wood spirit scratched his head.
"Ha ha, brother is really generous. Please give it to me after I refine the artifact. If I refine the artifact, please give me more." Qin Chu laughed. "Brother Mu Ling hasn’t told me what kind of artifact you want?"
"Well, bro, because of my own special reasons, I need a staff to help me exert my strength, but my strength is very different from that of ordinary magicians who practice magic. I move all the plants in the world, and this staff must be increased."
"Is there anything else?" Qin Chu has a number of increases in his heart. This is the best way to achieve this effect. What he has to do is to increase the growth rate of this material by a large margin
"Of course, this staff must be hard enough, or it may collapse because it can’t carry my strength." Mu Ling thought for a while.
"That’s all?" Qin Chu wry smile shall not be the wood spirit requires himself to forge an artifact so have a little requirement?
"hmm? Are these easy to achieve? " Wood spirit was surprised and asked him if he really didn’t know about these things. He had an artifact before, but now it’s his turn to ask for it.
In fact, for Mu Ling, his strength is a kind of strength between heaven and earth, which is the most convenient for him to use. This is already a great advantage, so he only asks for the characteristic of increasing his strength.
"Well," Qin Chu wry smile, "then I’ll add some other abilities to you. If you’re satisfied, I can modify your face. Brother Mu Ling, please give me a soul."
"Good" Wood spirit has long known that Qin Chu’s refining artifact needs its master’s soul. It is said that the artifact refined in this way can have great ability and is not easy to be taken away by others because of its empathy with its master.
Wood spirit separated a part of his soul and made preparations.
Qin Chu looked at the wood spirit and then wanted to close his eyes.
A moment later, Qin Chu had already made a draft in his heart. He opened his eyes and then a colorful brilliance appeared in his hand. That was the order.
"ah? What power is this? " Wood spirit suddenly felt a vast and majestic breath emanating from Qin Chu. Obviously, this breath has a great deal to do with Qin Chu’s colorful power.
Just when Mu Ling was surprised, the trunk wrapped by Qin Chu’s order force changed.
Visible to the naked eye, the trunk quickly twisted and deformed, and then stretched in a colorful light, and the trunk quickly became a wand with a strange shape.
The staff floated in front of Qin Chu, and then Qin Chu pinched the magic number and quickly condensed it into a substantive symbol in the process and then entered the staff.
On the one hand, Mu Ling was completely stunned. He had never seen this strange way of refining artifacts. He was surprised to see the myriad ofuda ling appear and then shrink it into the stick. He didn’t even understand what it meant that it smelled like thousands of ofuda.
Qin Chu paid no attention to the doubts of Mu Ling. He put together the spiritual decisions of the wooden refining device and put them into Mu Ling’s staff. These spiritual decisions were to decorate the array. Now, in this staff, a surprisingly large array is taking shape.
One minute passes by.
The smell from that staff is getting stronger and stronger at first, and it feels as grand as covering the whole world. The plants around here are growing wildly towards the staff.
On one side, Mu Ling also felt the powerful breath of this stave. Just now, she was uneasy and finally got a little confidence.
However, Qin Chu didn’t stop. He continued to frantically fight inside.
Then the staff’s breath quickly converged. Just now, the powerful breath quickly converged to the end. The staff was no longer half-breathed, but the color of the staff became more lustrous than before.
"Split a soul" Qin Chu Avenue
While waiting for a good wood spirit, he immediately separated a part of his soul. Qin Chu stretched out his hand and grabbed the wood spirit, and the soul was directly caught in his hand. Then Qin Chu ran the force to directly penetrate the wood spirit soul into the newly refined stave.
"Melting" Qin Chu rebuked a pair of hands and pinched the seal tactic, and then a glue-like force covered the stave.
In this process, Mu Ling suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart, just like he suddenly had an extra body. He looked at the staff in front of Qin Chu in surprise. Yes, the familiar feeling came from the staff surface.
"Don’t touch it yet, it needs to merge for a while, and something will happen soon. You should guard this staff here," Qin Chu told him, and he looked up at the sky.
"ah? What is this? " Wood spirit, looking down Qin Chu’s eyes, only to find that the thunder clouds were rolling and shining and dancing in the clouds. Wood spirit was dumbfounded at once. He shouted, "This is thunder. What happened? How did this happen? It was Wan Liqing just now. Am I going to break through the celestial realm? Impossible, impossible, I haven’t condensed the gods. What the hell is going on? "
Wood spirit Zhang panicked. He didn’t know that the thunder in his eyes was actually Qin Chu’s refining artifact, which triggered the apocalypse. He only appeared when he ascended to the celestial world.
"How is it possible to be such a powerful divine thunder?" Mu Ling really wanted to cry. He had long been familiar with the matter of soaring into the celestial world. When soaring into the celestial world, he had to go through a procedure, that is, accepting the divine thunder to enhance his physique, wash away impurities and enter the celestial world like that before he could live safely.
But such a powerful thunder made Mu Ling immediately dumbfounded. Such a powerful thunder baptized himself hard to split into a pile of crumbs.
Qin Chu looked at the rapid gathering of lightning, but laughed. "The power of this LeiJie is much stronger than that of the last time I refined the Kowloon Life and Death Mirror. Haha, once the Kowloon Life and Death Mirror gave up halfway because of LeiJie, this time it is better to take the opportunity to refine it again."
A refining of Kowloon Life and Death Mirror was eventually abandoned halfway because of lightning robbery.
This time, Qin Chu intends to refine the Kowloon Life and Death Mirror again through this Leijie.

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奇楠油,又称奇楠香,是一种珍贵的香料,源自一种名为“奇楠”的树种。这种树种在我国云南、广西等地有分布。奇楠油具有独特的香气,能舒缓情绪,改善睡眠。此外,它还具有活血化瘀、止痛的功效,对于缓解女性经痛具有显著效果。 首先,奇楠油中的有效成分能直接作用于人体,改善血液循环。月经期间,女性体内激素水平发生变化,导致血液循环不畅,进而引发经痛。奇楠油中的成分可以促进血液循环,缓解子宫收缩,从而减轻经痛症状。 其次,奇楠油具有镇痛作用。经痛主要是由子宫收缩引起的,奇楠油中的有效成分能抑制子宫收缩,减轻疼痛。同时,奇楠油的香气能让人心情愉悦,缓解焦虑和紧张情绪,有助于减轻经痛带来的不适。 使用奇楠油缓解经痛的方法如下: 1. 热敷法:将奇楠油与基础油(如橄榄油、甜杏仁油等)按1:10的比例混合,加热后涂抹于腹部和腰背部,轻轻按摩,有助于缓解经痛。 2. 香薰法:将奇楠油滴入香薰机或香薰蜡烛中,让香气弥漫整个房间,有助于放松身心,缓解经痛。 3. 按摩法:将奇楠油与基础油按1:10的比例混合,用手指轻轻按摩腰部、腹部和腿部,有助于缓解经痛。 4. 饮食调理:在月经期间,适当食用具有活血化瘀功效的食物,如红枣、红糖、黑豆等,配合奇楠油的使用,效果更佳。 需要注意的是,使用奇楠油缓解经痛时,应选择正规渠道购买,确保产品质量。同时,孕妇、哺乳期妇女和过敏体质者应慎用。 总之,奇楠油作为一种天然的止痛神器,为女性朋友们带来了福音。在月经期间,合理使用奇楠油,能有效缓解经痛,让女性朋友度过一个舒适、愉快的经期。