厦门夜网,厦门拿网,厦门品茶,厦门夜生活论坛 桑拿网 Wang Xuan sighed in his heart and then nodded, "Thank you very much, if Luo’s predecessors fought in the south and repaired the damaged ship, there would be dry Long Jun coming out."

Wang Xuan sighed in his heart and then nodded, "Thank you very much, if Luo’s predecessors fought in the south and repaired the damaged ship, there would be dry Long Jun coming out."

This has been chosen.
The patrol army belongs to the royal family and is in charge of Wang Xuan, but the general harvest income with the government army will also be distributed in proportion
Luzhou Qiuyin looks envious but can endure.
Several of them have consumed a lot of resources and strength in building the machine city.
Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but smile and say, "Mr. Luo, didn’t you control the sea route?"
The Luo Qiong Tower was silent for a while. "The Laurence family can’t explore nine Niu Yi hairs, but every time they go out to sea, they suffer heavy losses. If there is a patrol army escort, maybe they can really find the Zhongqunxian Islands."
"General Wang sincerely hopes that the patrol army will be rebuilt!"
This is not white when it comes out of everyone.
There are risks, but the benefits are enough to make people tempted!
Sima Wei of Huaizhou also came here in person, and couldn’t help but hand over slightly. "Dare to ask General Wang if I get something from the southern Jin Dynasty in several States?"
Wang Xuan smiled and said, "Of course."
This method, which completely detonated the forces of all parties, promised to spare some efforts to support the reconstruction of the patrol army.
They are not short-sighted people.
The reconstruction of the patrol army can not only play an important role in the southern expedition, but also bring a lot of profits.
The atmosphere of the tent was warm at the moment.
Wang Xuan looked calm and then announced that Gan Long Jun would expand the main array of four elephants and three talents to establish five legions
Followed by a list of personnel.
Not surprisingly, the heads of the four armies of Qinglong, Suzaku, Baihu and Xuanwu are still borne by Yong ‘an Mo Yunxiao.
Tu Su and others all joined Zhongjun.
The Chinese army is the largest and controls the Tianbao patrol ship, which will lay the foundation for the patrol in the future.
Of course, the account is also unexpected.
They are already surging with emotion at the moment, and their minds are patrolling the heavenly army.
This is not only a legion, but also a new way out for the great families after the emperor closed it.
Looking at the chancellorsville lively atmosphere Wang Xuan calm in my heart.
Of course he paints pie!
Nine ghost countries are a menace, but they can’t be revealed at will.
The patrol army is the strongest army he can think of at present, but it will be a dream if we don’t gather all our forces.
Dealing with these people can be tempting.
By then, the reputation of the patrol commander will surely soar, which will pave the way for self-protection and self-cultivation in this troubled times.
What a waste! It’s a fool …
Doing the Long Jun conference is like being shocked and thundering.
Gluttonous generals have complicated hearts.
They regard Wang Xuan as the biggest threat to the gluttonous army commander-in-chief, but people plan to patrol the celestial army commander-in-chief!
Family dharma veins around the country are also moving frequently in secret.
The news has come from the gods, and it is true that the royal family, from Yan Huang to the elders of the ancestral temple, unanimously agreed.

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