厦门夜网,厦门拿网,厦门品茶,厦门夜生活论坛 夜生活网 Yun Fan and Zong Wenwen all flew at nine times the speed of sound, and it took only about forty seconds to get there in 237 miles.

Yun Fan and Zong Wenwen all flew at nine times the speed of sound, and it took only about forty seconds to get there in 237 miles.

Then Yun Fan plunged into the sea and rushed into the seabed at a speed of 300 meters for one second and walked through the seabed soil at a speed of 30 meters for another second.
As soon as he entered the bottom of the sea, Zong asked the spirit and scanned the entrance of several hundred meters. He was very surprised that Yun Fan actually knew such an accurate location.
You can’t even do that, can you?
Zong asked that Yun Fan was far more mysterious than he had imagined.
"Well …? There are people at the entrance? "
Soon the two men came to the entrance of the auxiliary footprint, which was located underground and a vortex with a diameter of three zhangs.
Dozens of meters near this vortex are repelled by a huge force to form an underground.
Outside the entrance of a mysterious peak in the underground.
"WuChen brother! Is there anyone in Xunxuan Island who is a relic? "
Zong asked if he knew this great power.
"asked zong?"
Wu Chen, the peak power, took a look at Zong and asked, "My husband broke through Tong Xuan’s territory in the later period, and his strength was terrible until he reached the top of Tong Xuan’s territory. Who is this person who let you send it here in person?"
"I’ve heard for a long time that Kunxuan Island’ Wufeng’ is a small public name. I heard that he has a senior king and is loved by Kunxuan’s old man!"
Zong asked, surprised. I didn’t expect such a coincidence when I looked at the entrance of the deputy ruins.
Wu Feng, a husband of Wu family in Kunxuan Island, is a very famous genius in the southern seas. He became a master of Linghai realm when he was only twenty years old, and he became a great master of Linghai realm when he was less than thirty years old.
Now in his forties, he is already in the late period of spiritual sea realm.
Kun Xuan, an old man, praised him as a king.
However, Yun Fan entered the Tongxuan realm at the age of 22 and is already in the middle of Tongxuan realm, which is much inferior.
Yun Fan is the successor of Tuotian Emperor, far from being the king’s genius.
PS second more commutation ticket.
Chapter 252 Your qualification assessment is superior! (3 more commutation ticket)
"This … is my master Yun Fan Yungong!"
See WuChen looked at Yun Fan zong asked.
Although zong asked if he was unwilling, he could bear it if he resisted
Now that he has completely adapted to the slave status, Yun Fan doesn’t blush at all.
With peak power Wu dang smell speech look stunned.
Yun Fan …’ Master’ in the middle period of Tongxuan territory when asked by the supreme master of Yinwan sea area?
"I wonder which extraordinary king heir or descendant this Yun Gong is?"
Wuchen asked.
Wuchen seems to have a king who can drop the case and ask the case to ask the slave.
Wu Chen, the peak power, is a servant of a powerful king and an old man in Kunxuan Island.
Kun Xuan, the old man, loves Wu Xiao’s husband’ Wu Feng’ very much, and has always made the peak powerful enough for Wu Chen to protect the road.
But now Wufeng’s strength is already the top level of great power, which is even higher than that of Tongxuan’s peak Wuchen.
"One of the scattered sects in Yun is not a descendant of any king."
Yun Fan said lightly.
At zong asked, "said continued" directly into the entrance? What should I pay attention to in the secondary relics? "
Yi Jie San xiu
school of thought
It’s not that the descendants of the king can accept the slaves of the peak Sect of the Xuanjing.
Wu Chen was amazed.

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