厦门夜网,厦门拿网,厦门品茶,厦门夜生活论坛 夜生活网 Mad dog dragon has climbed the observation deck, and Peter Pan has aimed at the position "hissing". As soon as he hits the metal line, the mad dog dragon is pulled to the top of the mast like walking on clouds. This position is the highest point of the field, and it’s really a bit windy and cloud flying-like.

Mad dog dragon has climbed the observation deck, and Peter Pan has aimed at the position "hissing". As soon as he hits the metal line, the mad dog dragon is pulled to the top of the mast like walking on clouds. This position is the highest point of the field, and it’s really a bit windy and cloud flying-like.

"Haha, face the power of fierce guns!" Mad dog dragon fiercely pulled out the destroyer machine gun.
This gun must be prepared in advance, and the ammunition box must be directly punched in the baggage, and then the bullet chain is dragged out and embedded in the bullet hole, and then the pressure plate on the gun side is pulled, and then a "click" will be issued to indicate that the shooter is ready to sweep.
This loading is really slow, but the power is amazing.
Mad dog dragon fierce gun in hand, day I have a fierce pull the trigger muzzle "boom boom" spit fire.
The gun fire is banana-leaf-shaped and has a large shape. Because of the high firing speed, the gun fire does not flash and is almost static.
The bullet hit the two ships, and the tail layer on the opposite side of the ship was like Mars. The black steel plate was first dented by the bullet and then shattered again. Finally, a huge steel plate fell from the third floor after the destroyer’s crazy fire fell off.
At this time, the cockpit was exposed, and the lights inside were clearly displayed on various devices and consoles. Five players were playing various systems.
The doctor was shocked when he saw it. "Good!"
The mad dog dragon swept the excitement and the spirit was even more "cool!"
The destroyer is still sweeping. From the vision of Mad Dog Dragon, the bullet path is not a line, but like a light bullet, flying around in this light.
"Boom ————————"
The gun went crazy and smashed the cockpit glass, and five players were shot dead on the spot. All kinds of equipment were swept away and smoked. The platform was splashed with sparks and released thick sparks. The strange ship suddenly lost its lights and fell into darkness, and the force system was destroyed.
Mad dog dragon felt unsatisfied and prepared to change the second magazine. The strange thing finally happened.
The strange ship actually turned far away. It was Gale 3 who tried to hit it, and now it just hit it.
Not to mention the mad dog dragon, even the doctor didn’t expect that now Strong Wind 3 is in front of it, and it will hit you. You are really hopeful.
The strange ship coming sideways didn’t choose the back deck of Strong Wind No.3, but hit the central waistline.
"Turn right 1 degree faster-"the doctor growled wildly in the cockpit.
But I can’t come "boom". There was a loud noise, and the building blocks at the rear of the strange ship slammed into the central hull. To be continued.
Chapter one hundred and sixty-nine Mysterious island
The two ships collided, and everyone was unsteady and fell to the ground.
One minute later, Mad Dog Dragon finally blamed the ship for what was going to hit.
It is because I have penetrated the cockpit bomb of the other side that it seems that the console is very important. The strange ship is sinking at the moment with the naked eye.
The strange ship can’t keep it anyway, so it just crashes into the strong wind No.3, which is very close to the island. The wind and resistance are particularly strong, and a strong ship will suffer a devastating blow if it hits it lightly.
The mad dog dragon broke out and sank a boat. The problem is that it is not bad to blame the boatman. It smashed the central hull, and the strong wind No.3 in the air cabin was lost and gradually sank.
At this time, the players on both sides are in a mess, and in the face of the sinking ship, some people have been holding lifebuoys and diving in the water, and the players are fighting again, mostly robbing lifebuoys.
The strange ship suddenly sank to the bottom of the sea, while the strong wind No.3 crashed as a whole.
The mad dog dragon didn’t panic and hung on the mast until the watchtower was submerged, and he dived decisively and grabbed a board.
It’s not once or twice that he was shipwrecked. In fact, in this critical situation, it’s best not to move, because your physical strength is limited, and it’s easy to get exhausted after tossing in the water. Finally, drowning is the king.
Sure enough, many people swim desperately in the direction of the island after falling into the water. It is strange that there seems to be a mysterious force in this sea area. The harder these people swim forward, the more they are washed back by the waves.
Mad dog dragon quietly holding the board found himself slowly drifting towards the island.
Could it be that the way to land on the island is to let it drift naturally and force it to retreat in the opposite direction?
As the yelling of other players faded away, his guess was proved to be right. After floating on the sea for more than an hour, the outline of the island was already in sight.
Until he boarded the beach and lit a torch, he found that the terrain of the island was very strange, except for the peripheral beach, which was the kind of rotten woodland with huge and ugly terrain, wet trees and rotten soil, which gave people the feeling of being gloomy and dangerous everywhere.
Mad dog dragon walked along the beach for a long time before he discovered that the island was surprisingly large because the arc of the coastline was almost in a straight line.
Suddenly there seemed to be a flash of light in the distance, and the mad dog dragon immediately became alert. He put the torch in a tree and hid himself behind a tree not far away to observe.

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