厦门夜网,厦门拿网,厦门品茶,厦门夜生活论坛 品茶网,夜生活网 Moreover, Pan Sen also has a passive shield, which makes Ritz have no motivation to fight if he wants to attack in general.

Moreover, Pan Sen also has a passive shield, which makes Ritz have no motivation to fight if he wants to attack in general.

Just when everyone knew that Ritz would run away, Su Huanjen stopped a general attack.
"At this time, there is no general attack!"
Wang Zhuo said that even he could notice that Pan Sen was shielded and Ritz stopped to suspect that he was going to die and let Pan Sen chase him.
"There must be!"
Lu Zhan didn’t believe that Su Huanjen would do extra work.
Sure enough, Su Huanjen’s general attack was not a land exhibition, but a soldier not far from the land exhibition
Just now, a wave of attacks by Tauren and Obama pushed the line of fire, which led to a bloody melee soldier coming to this position, and Su Huanjen’s general attack just took this little soldier away.
"Not good!"
Lu Zhan immediately said that he wanted A Batman to upgrade himself to fight back.
He had to admire Su Huanjen’s thinking. Ritz’s big move is that he can suck blood and increase his running speed. Whether he runs or fights, he has a chance.
But he is facing Lu Zhan, and Lu Zhan will not let him succeed.
He watched Su Huanjen rise to level 6, and instead of attacking in general, he walked beside Su Huanjen.
Six-year-old Su Huanjen learned R without hesitation, and took a big step back to a Q.
Ritz’s big move is also a reducible D, and the third Q in Su Huanjen comes out.
What is different from before is that this time Q went out with a big trick effect and blew up a blue cloud around Lu Zhan.
This Q also has a blood-sucking effect. Although it can suck 15 points, it is a big blood-sucking place for Su Huanjen now
Taking advantage of the big move to increase the running speed, Su Huanjen immediately turned his head and left after putting this Q.
Behind him, Lu Zhan finally poked Ritz with the A key. Was it Ritz or ran out? Lu Zhan’s general attack could not be reached.
Lu Zhan flashes
Su Huanjen also flashed before Pan Sen hit the attack and pulled away from him again. Su Huanjen quickly ran to the land exhibition before the land exhibition, lost a Q poke to Su Huanjen and had 5 points of blood.
Only then did Su Huanjen breathe a sigh of relief. He didn’t want to help in the road melee until his home road had the advantage to support him. Who would have thought that he was one-on-one by Lu Zhan?
It’s not that he doesn’t want to fight, but that he is confident that he won’t be killed if he tries to keep his skills and help him attack in Pupu.
He’s lit up with one last jump and four points of blood left after the jump. He’ll never die.
It’s very short at this time, and Pan Sen W should still be in D. This time he can safely escape back to the tower.
On the other side, the team has arrived at the end. Speaking of which, his support has still had an effect in delaying Pan Sen.
Just as Su Huanjen’s screen has seen that the defensive tower will enter the range of his own defensive tower in a few steps, Pan Sen has been chasing behind him and suddenly stopped.
This stop actually made Su Huanjen very nervous
"Is there any way for Lu Zhan to kill him?"
Su Huanjen thought of running away from himself.
Chapter 52 Road shooting
After Su Huanjen noticed that Pan Sen stopped, he waved his spear in front of him and a row of conical gun screens appeared in front of him.
"No …" Su Huanjen immediately understood Lu Zhan’s intention.
The piercing spear will surely strike the enemy with 15% blood. If he is hit, he will definitely die.
Su Huanjen felt that he was far enough away from Pan Sen, but the farthest distance of the piercing spear in the actual land exhibition position just grazed Su Huanjen’s side.
"Brush …"
It takes a piercing spear to stab him at the farthest distance-this is fatal enough.
Su Huanjen some unwilling to look at his body ritz, this exchange between two people is actually stuck with skills d to play land exhibition piercing spear d maybe good is just right, but it just lets him escape.
The confrontation between the two men extended from the middle road to the road, and finally Lu Zhan got the first head of the two men first.
The real decisive factor in this World War I was that Lu Zhan stole a kid and rose to the sixth grade, so that he could take the lead and let Su Huanjen be passively forced to send him everywhere, and finally Lu Zhan took the head.
After killing Su Huanjen Ritz, Lu Zhan was relieved.
Just now, he chose to cut off Ritz’s support road, but he actually took a risk, because their road combination was actually at a disadvantage. If he failed to kill Ritz and found that ad and auxiliary were both dead, he would be with him. After all, he commanded the road war.
When I turned around, the road-to-road duel came to an end. Obama had already been killed, and the other side’s mother’s blood, Leona’s blood, was chasing the remnant blood cow head in the tower.
Lu Zhan quickly turned back to help. The blood volume of the bull’s head is almost in single digits. It can be taken away with a general attack. Perhaps he saw the arrival of Lu Zhan, and he struggled to hand over the last skill.
"Neither of them flashed. Kill the Japanese girl first and then fuck the mother!" Yuan Yuan said that before his death, he succeeded in pushing Leona to the front of the land exhibition.
Actually, no, he said Lu Zhan also knows how to do it.
Seeing a residual blood Leona, his heart was very excited. Just now, the mother was at the top tower. If the mother was at the top, she was actually saving lives in disguise, but Leona at the top was different. His blood volume was not much, and it was enough to poke a spear in the attack.
When the auxiliary is finished, it can also be trusted.
Lu Zhan walked towards Leona, and Leona inclined to look forward to the river grass, and Lu Zhan also became inclined.
On the other side, Ma was out of the range of the defensive tower, but he was knocked out by the defensive tower, and his blood volume was less than half.
Lu Zhan has seen his own skills, dW skills are already good, and Q skills D will soon be good.
However, there should be an E for Lunma now, and his E is close to the enemy’s end. Pan Sen W dizzy land exhibition temporarily doesn’t want to be against Lunma W.
He chose not to let go of his skills, but to follow Leona and put pressure on him
Leona and Lunma gathered together, perhaps knowing that Lu Zhan had remote skills, and Leona turned back.
He raised his sword and pointed at Pan Sen.
Lu Zhan saw his skill, but he didn’t avoid it. He knew that Leona’s blow was actually to sell herself and create opportunities for Lunma. This person was the first to send the door, so he wouldn’t hide.
Leona’s E skill temporarily bound Pan Sen, and he knocked Pan Sen dizzy with Q skill.
Take this opportunity to turn mom to attack and raise my hand is one

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