
Wen Shao nodded and wrung the towel to continue. I applied my face and suddenly changed my expression. It really made people understand the words. My eyes suddenly became angry and the red light suddenly flashed in the light, which made Wen Shao startled. Although I opened my eyes, I still didn’t wake up. I didn’t know what kind of nightmare I was in, and I didn’t know whether it was hidden.
I cried so sadly that Wen was still shocked at my performance. The memory fragments were removed from my mind little by little, which made me more miserable. My body became distorted like a twist, which made Wen feel heartbroken.
"Is it over? Is it over?"
Wen Shao also tried to calm my mind by words. I know that if I can wake up suddenly in this disaster, I am afraid that my realm will be enchanted, but my body will get a qualitative leap, but the process is so long.
Just when my body was about to be torn apart by pain, Wen took care of me with a shallow prostrate body. Tears from her eyes dripped gently on my face. Although there were two drops of crystal clear tears, that was enough. At this time, tears flowed down my cheeks to the corners of my mouth. These two drops of tears were like a cure for illness and woke me up. I hope that my body has undergone qualitative changes because of these two drops of tears.
It is because of the shallow "Sincerity, Stone" that she touched the sky and I won a new hope. Those two tears infiltrated my throat a little bit along my mouth. I could feel those two tears shuttling back and forth in my body, absorbing the impurities left in my breath little by little and being reconciled little by little. My body stopped twitching and twisted, and my face was ruddy again.
Wen Shao was able to feel a strong sense of crisis and jumped at Han Meng from my bedside and shouted "Han Meng Han Meng"
Not far away, I was feeling that Wen Shallow was a good cook, and when I was eating the food with relish, I heard shouting that I would put the chopsticks in a flash and rushed to Wen Shallow’s side.
"You can feel it."
Wen Xiao saw that Han Meng had come before she dared to continue to gather around Han Meng, and looked at me with a full face of tension. Han Meng’s hands moved quickly and began to move. She murmured. Han Meng’s purple brilliance filled the whole room from deformation and shape to human size. After I finished all this, Han Meng looked up at Wen Xiao with a full face of surprise and asked Han Meng why he was surprised by Wen Xiao, so that people would notice the fluctuation of the body and breath of practitioners.
"I don’t know"
Wen Shao shook his head. Some people don’t know what’s going on with themselves. They deliberately want to fix the truth and want to be tens of thousands of people. People who don’t have that talent are born with Han Meng. She knows that she is much better than ordinary people. But it is not long ago that Yan Er instilled her true qi to make her make further progress. Otherwise, it would be a coincidence that she wants to achieve the quality and soaring like me.
Although my body gradually recovered, those two tears spread my true qi outward to Han Meng. I blessed a special purple breath film to prevent those two tears from smelling impurities and hurting others. When two tears turned into two drops of black sweat, I felt relieved and smiled at the corner of my mouth. Han Meng saw that I reacted like this and didn’t hesitate to wake up. When I pulled up the paper, I retreated inside and outside the room.
No one would have thought that two tears would be in such an earth impact. Although Han Meng had left the room with Wen Xiao, Wen Xiao was even more surprised this time than she clearly felt that two tears had attached the purple light film to the smooth wall and smashed it into pieces. When Han Meng was horrified, she felt even more surprised.
Those two drops of black tears actually went into the shallow body again. The shallow body in Chinese purified the black substance and led the shallow body to spend a small Sunday and step into a big Sunday. If anyone changes, it will be absolutely jaw-dropping for the shallow body in Chinese.
I rubbed my head and woke up with a faint pain. I turned around and looked around blankly. Han Meng and Wen saw me wake up and turned to me. I was a stranger and looked at two women blankly.
"Who are you and where is this? Is this the Western Region? You dress so strangely."
I asked a series of questions like a barrage, and Han Meng and Wen’s shallow face showed a little loss. Now I have lost most of my memories. The only one who kept my identity as a repairman and repaired them looked at each other for a long time and were sad, and they didn’t want to answer my questions.
Chapter 39 Phoenix Dance for Nine Days
If you don’t have the spirit to leave the villa with the sunset snow, you will travel overnight. The two people are floating in the middle and heading for the South China Sea. Obviously, even if she is definitely not the strong of the earth, she can’t escape being killed by three Taoist priests.
In the sky, the purple mountain "Zi Zi Ya" is wrapped with two women’s brows tightly knit with Muxue, and their figure is writhed back and forth in the middle, hiding from a flash of lightning and thunder. If Muxue has escaped a few steps, and if the palm of his hand turns over and a dust stroke suddenly appears in her hand, since it is a Taoist family, it is necessary to deal with them by Taoist means.
"You’re tired of living. Even I dare to be killed."
If you stand still and wear a white virtual cassock, she gently shakes the dust and puts it on her left wrist and looks at them coldly.
"If three thousand emotions enter the mortal world, they will escape the door."
Qingyun Taoist’s vicissitudes of life sound clearly recognized her. If she was born in Taoism, her talent has been inherited in Taoism for a long time. Today, they are going to be killed. It is impossible for the three of them to stop meditation and get up quickly. If the side will be besieged for a second, it will be right and if they start work.
If you smile lightly, the dust will move with the wind, and it will be like flying into the sky, and the phoenix will bend over and decide the life and death of all things. But if the figure is like a rock, it will quietly move, floating clothes will make her fall out of the world, and she will raise her hand and cast her feet like a fallen fairy, as if heaven and earth are discolored.
"If you want to go to the South China Sea from here, then you can go to hell."
Qingyun Taoist roots have no will, if they are in the eyes, if they are still dismissive of their faces, there is a trace of cold and cold in their eyes
"I’m afraid you can’t resist me for this repair."
If the root doesn’t have any intention to start work, you can imagine that if you didn’t do your best when dealing with Billie Chan in the past, this time, it is definitely on the eve of the outbreak
Sunset snow looked at hurriedly escaped from the war. Looking at the peace before the war, I gasped in a gasp. If it is really strong, can it be one enemy and three? If it is really, can it be used to kill them?
Three Taoist priests took out a piece of ancient rune paper and bit the blood of their forefinger, drawing a strange rune on the rune paper. At the same time, the three monks chanted "Heaven and earth are invited by Tianshi"

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首先,让我们来看看红豆燕窝的做法。准备燕安居的纯净燕窝(3g)、红豆(1000ml水、40g冰糖)、以及炖煮设备。具体步骤如下: 1. 将燕窝隔水炖煮好备用。 2. 红豆加水、冰糖放入高压锅内,大火压15分钟。 3. 蒸熟后,将红豆倒入金碗中,燕窝单独放置一个碗即可。 红豆燕窝的制作过程简单,但营养价值却不容小觑。红豆富含维生素B1、B2、蛋白质和多种矿物质,具有活血排脓、清热解毒的功效,还有利水退肿的作用。而纯净燕窝自古就是滋补气血、养阴润燥的首选,具有健脾开胃、润肺养颜的功效,能清虚热、补虚损、治咳喘。 红豆燕窝的美容养颜功效尤为显著。燕窝中的胶原蛋白质有助于保持皮肤弹性,防止皮肤松弛,常吃燕窝可以帮助保持皮肤的水分含量,修复干燥肌肤,让皮肤更加柔软滑嫩。同时,燕窝还能增加皮肤的明亮度,减少皮肤粗糙和出现皱纹的概率,使人容颜更加青春美丽。 对于女性来说,红豆燕窝还具有滋阴补血的作用。燕窝中所含的有机铁等微量元素及其他一些化合物可以促进身体的血液循环,增加体内血液量,对于女性月经不调、贫血等问题有良好的改善效果。 此外,红豆燕窝还具有以下功效: 1. 增强免疫力:燕窝富含蛋白质、胶原蛋白、多种氨基酸、矿物质、糖类等营养物质,可以提高身体的免疫力和体质,帮助身体抵抗感冒、疾病等外部侵害。 2. 补肺止咳:燕窝被视为一种极佳的补肺止咳的药食同源,能够缓解肺部炎症,清热化痰,增强呼吸系统的功能。 3. 健脾开胃:燕窝具有健脾开胃的功效,有助于改善食欲不振、消化不良等症状。 总之,红豆燕窝是一款美味与养生兼具的佳肴。在享受美食的同时,还能为身体带来诸多益处。让我们从今天开始,关注自己的健康,让美丽与健康并存。


首先,莲子茶具有很好的安神作用。莲子中含有丰富的莲心碱,这种物质可以起到镇静安神的效果,对于失眠、心悸等症状有一定的缓解作用。同时,莲子茶还能帮助人们改善睡眠质量,提高睡眠深度。 其次,莲子茶具有养心益肾的功效。莲子中含有丰富的蛋白质、氨基酸、维生素等营养成分,这些成分对于心脏和肾脏的保健具有重要作用。莲子茶可以帮助调节心脏功能,降低血压,对于肾脏病患者也有一定的辅助治疗作用。 此外,莲子茶具有养胃健脾的作用。莲子中含有丰富的膳食纤维,可以促进肠胃蠕动,帮助消化。长期饮用莲子茶,可以改善肠胃功能,预防便秘,对于胃病患者也有一定的辅助治疗作用。 莲子茶还具有美容养颜的功效。莲子中含有丰富的天然抗氧化物质,如多酚、黄酮等,可以清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老。同时,莲子茶还能滋养肌肤,使肌肤更加光滑细腻。 莲子茶还具有以下功效: 1. 抗癌作用:莲子中含有丰富的硒元素,硒是一种天然的抗癌物质,可以增强人体免疫力,抑制肿瘤细胞的生长。 2. 抗氧化作用:莲子茶中的抗氧化物质可以有效清除体内的自由基,预防心血管疾病。 3. 降低血脂:莲子中含有丰富的植物固醇,可以降低血液中的胆固醇含量,对心血管健康有益。 4. 延缓衰老:莲子中的多酚、黄酮等抗氧化物质可以延缓细胞衰老,提高人体免疫力。 5. 改善记忆力:莲子中含有丰富的脑磷脂,对于改善记忆力、提高学习效率有一定的帮助。 总之,莲子茶作为一种天然养生饮品,具有丰富的营养价值和多种健康益处。在日常生活中,适量饮用莲子茶,不仅可以改善身体健康,还能提高生活质量。然而,需要注意的是,孕妇、过敏体质者及患有严重疾病的人群在饮用莲子茶时应谨慎,最好在医生的建议下进行。